Iowa Legal Aid Celebrates AmeriCorps Week, March 12 – 18

Hello! My name is Kody Craddick, and I am an AmeriCorps member serving in Iowa Legal Aid’s regional office in Davenport. Every Tuesday afternoon, most of our staff go to the Scott County Courthouse to assist clients who are facing eviction at our “help desk.” People who are facing eviction can come before their hearing and get advice or representation at a moment’s notice. I am responsible for creating the application for the client and having them sign documents.

Recently, our local paper did a story about the eviction help desk and one of the clients that we assisted there. Iowa Legal Aid helped her negotiate with her landlord so that she and her daughter could stay in their home. Her story is unique, but her situation is shared by many vulnerable Iowans that Iowa Legal Aid helps each week, successfully preventing people from being evicted.

It is rewarding to be a part of a team that works to keep people from losing shelter. AmeriCorps and Iowa Legal Aid provide an amazing opportunity to engage with my community and help improve it. I would encourage people to consider joining Iowa Legal Aid through the AmeriCorps program to gain valuable legal knowledge and to improve the lives of others.

A link to the article on the Quad-City Times website can be found HERE. A pdf version of the story can be found HERE.