Attorneys, do you need any end of the year CLE credits? Join us for a FREE disaster law CLE presentation! Learn about the future of disaster law, how disasters affect communities, and how our law practices can be affected by disasters. Experts from the across the country will share their knowledge and their experiences as we face an unprecedented number of natural disasters.
Panels include the following presenters:
>> Shannon M. Roesler, Charlotte and Frederick Hubbell Professor of Environmental and Natural Resources Law, University of Iowa College of Law
>> Gary Streit, Attorney and Senior Vice President, Shuttleworth & Ingersoll
>> Aviva Meridian Kaiser, Ethics Counsel, State Bar of Wisconsin
>> Alejandro Figueroa Quevedo, Deputy Executive Director, Puerto Rico Legal Services
>> Jeanne Ortiz-Ortiz, Pro Bono & Strategic Initiatives Manager, Pro Bono Net and Vice Director at ABA Disaster Legal Services
>> Kathy Grunewald, Disaster Coordinator Attorney, Legal Services of North Florida